Tax & Assessing
Kayla Marchington
Harrison City Assessor
Kayla’s office hours are Wednesday from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm.
Tracy Wheeler-Clay
Harrison City Treasurer
989-539-7145 x201
View your account online here.
Taxes are mailed out twice a year. Summer Taxes are mailed on July 1st and are due by Aug. 15th. Winter taxes are mailed on Dec. 1st and are due by Feb. 14th. All taxes go delinquent to the County Treasurer on March 1st.
Homeowner Principal Residence Exemption Affidavit
Request to Rescind/Withdraw Principal Residence
Application for Deferment of Summer Taxes
Form 5107 – Affidavit for Disabled Veterans Exemption
Form 6054 – Request to Rescind Disabled Veterans Exemption
2024-1 Resolution to Adopt Poverty Exemption Eligibility